

The scholastic requirements presented in this section define the nature of satisfactory academic achievement and are designed to uphold the university's standards. Students who fail to meet these requirements will be subject to academic penalties.




一个单独的 财政援助,学业进步政策.

Academic Progress is reviewed for all grants, 贷款, 以及勤工俭学项目. 学生必须达到GPA要求, 还有工作时间要求, and have not exceeded the maximum number of attempted hours allowed.

Academic progress for 金融援助 is typically checked once an academic year, 在一个春季学期之后. It is reviewed primarily on the hours attempted during the Fall and Spring semesters of the student’s last academic year of attendance.

Listed below are the essential criteria students must meet to be eligible for all federal and state grants, 贷款, 以及勤工俭学项目.

  • 保持2分.累计GPA
  • Cumulatively earn at least 70% of the hours cumulatively attempted
  • Have not cumulatively attempted more than 150% of the hours required to complete the student's current, 初级学位课程


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